Welcome to the shit show, I mean my blog!


Survival Mode and Mental Health

Things that have helped me work through my mental health struggles and work towards living beyond surviving to tomorrow. My advice on how to have these conversations with your loved ones.

Weight Struggles

The struggle with weight loss/gain and ways I’ve worked towards feeling more confident in all my shapes and sizes and how you too can feel confident in your own skin.

Beauty and Fashion

Some of my favorite products, tips and tricks and how I help myself feel beautiful and confident. PLUS how I do my makeup may make an appearance on the blog!

Stupid things I said and/or did

Let’s feel goofy, we all do stupid stuff, but few are brave enough to admit it, let alone on the internet!

Cleaning and Organization

Spreadsheets, Printables and more oh my! Let’s talk about how I stay organized and keep my house clean.

Recipes I tried

Another 2023 resolution of mine was to try more new things, including at least one new recipe every month, but I’m going to challenge myself to try one new recipe every week January- March.


More topics are on there way, but give me some time to figure out this whole blogging thing first!

Don’t listen to your worst enemy when you look into the mirror, you’re BEA-YOU-TIFUL!

Let’s be friends, don’t forget to subscribe for more content and email me with more!